Hi Zswobbie1
Thanks for helping out.
Question: In Plan G3 (
File>Options>FS Connection Parameters
SimConnect Settings...SimConnect...FSUIPC...XPUIPC
My settings are:
Connect with SimConnect
SimConnect Settings:
Network Mode 1Pv4
Server Port/Pipe is 0
Also when I clicked on the little yellow folder on very top left of screen above File and Home...Map...Data...View
I get:
This PC>Documents>Plan G Files
Where is the Flight Plan just created in FSX located to download into Plan G3
Will keep working on this but these are the 2 above issues I have right now
Before I forget the next category below this one...Overclocking/Tweaking
Can you check my Post Clearing Flight Plans in FSX...I have Empty Cache checked in FSX but old Flight Plans still show up
Wonder if this is what might be slowing computer down
Cheers Doug