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Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:37 am
by westside
Recently I purchased dedicated 737 cockpit software for my set up( Aerosoft from Australia).

Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:19 am
by Flying Trucker
Hi Mark... :)

I myself like the idea of being able to use the Game Microsoft Flight SimX for a number of different simulated aircraft.

Not sure if you or I would be bored using just one type of simulated aircraft.

My son and grandson who are both aviators are building a motion simulator to simulate a four/three/two/single radial engine aircraft.
...RPM, MP, Carb Heat, Mixture plus guages.
They should be done mid summer.

They have obtained a Vickers Cockpit from somewhere and that will be the bases of the unit.

Much too large for me here in the Condo.... ;D

Mark are you going to use a motion seat or chair of some sort?

I think it would be wise to retrace the type of simulated flights you have done say in the last sixty to ninety days and use that as a base to make your decision.

If seventy-five percent were 737 jet flights than that is the way to go... :)

Oh are you at Comox by any chance and do you get up our way?

P.S.  sent you a PM... :)

Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:24 pm
by JBaymore

My simpit is quite "generic".  It is actually LOOSELY modeled on a BAe 146-200 aircraft.  But I am runniong "Boeing glass" for avionics.  I'm not a pursit  ;).

The only time it feels weird is if I load uop a Cessna 172 or something like that.  ;D ;D ;D

I spend 95 percent of my time flying the 146 model anyway.



Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:20 am
by westside
I am thinking towards somehow keeping the general sim-pit concept.
The new software runs on a separate computers linked with by a server connecting them all together. It is using the same two monitors mounted below my "out the window View" screens and I just need to find a quick way of switching the inputs to these instrumentation monitors and that would keep the general sim-pit concept alive. I still need to build a new desk system to hold all of this as my current desk/setup is maxed out.

Mark :)

Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:37 am
by JBaymore

If you are going to drive the "instrument" computrers from different machines running different software, a simple VGA A/B switch on the monitor cables will do the trick.

Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:50 am
by westside
Thanks John

I will try and source that out. That would be ideal for my application


Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:51 pm
by westside
I have just recieved a new KVM switch and I will see how that plays out. It's perfect as I have 3 computers running right now and that means 3 mice and 3 keyboards. That will bring it back down to two.


Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:11 pm
by JBaymore
Yeah... all the networed computers a sophisticated pit takes starts getting complicated.  I wound how many miles of wire my pit uses  :-??



Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:49 am
by westside
I just fired up my flight sim computer with the new KVM switch hooked up and my FSX computer is back to its old self. I like to do things in little steps as it makes working the bugs out simpler. I also moved around some Go-flight modules and I will have to reconfigure a few of those but over all a successful transition.
The next step is to fire up the avionics computer and test out the switch and new CDU. I received the CDU on Tuesday and it looks great.
I hope it works as well as it looks.
Updates to follow

Mark :)

Re: Dedicated Sim Pit Vs. General Sim Pit

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:12 am
by Flying Trucker
Looking forward to some shots Mark... :)