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Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:18 am
by Towerguy
Hi guys
just a quick update to show I'm still plugging away slowly (Oh so slowly!).
I have been working on the engine instrument panel lately - I did look at the prebuilt ones but they are so hugely overpriced that I decided to give it a go myself.

first the parts, some servos via trademe on the internet, bought in bulk, so cheaper. some plastic gearing from a local electronic shop and some from recycled printers and the plastic was recovered from the roadside inorganics collection.

Then it was cut the plastic into shape and cut mounting holes for the servos.

then I decided I better make a prototype first just to check I was on the right track.


Back to fitting the servos

Then making up the layers of the instruments and the panel to attach them all to.

The local electronics store wanted $14 for a packet of half a dozen metal spacers - Yeah right! - at Bunnings ( a local trade store) I get a packet of plastic wall inserts, all the same size, 25 in a packet, for about $8.

Then its glueing the gears onto the servo horns.

This is the production line. Underneath you can see the faces printed out. This is a draft copy on plain paper - I think the final copy will be done on a sticky backed paper to glue onto the plastic sheet.

Thats progress so far.
Cheers all.

Re: Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:53 pm
by beaky
Glad to see you are still plugging away at this project; looking good!

Re: Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:46 am
by ermias
Hello Towerguy,

Project looks good; hope to see more updates as time permits. One of my hopes is to be able to make steam gauge like standby instruments.

Re: Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:10 am
by Towerguy
Hi ermias
the rectangle I cut from a larger piece using a bandsaw. I fed it through very slowly to avoid it splitting and cracking. I left about 1mm to file down by hand around the outside of each rectangle.

the smaller internal rectangles were first marked and then drilled  - very slowly and carefully - so I could slide a saw blade through before reconnecting the handle and cutting by hand. Once again I cut leaving a small margin to file down by hand until I reached a good fit with the servo.

A good idea is to make up a metal or thin wooden template to clamp over the plastic so all the holes end up in the same place. Also I find that going very slowly when pressing the drill into the acrylic helps stop it grabbing or splitting.

Hope this helps

Re: Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:34 am
by machineman9
I fed it through very slowly to avoid it splitting and cracking. I left about 1mm to file down by hand around the outside of each rectangle.

Using some masking tape around the outside of the line you're cutting can also help to prevent cracks.

Looks good so far though  ;)

Re: Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:33 pm
by Towerguy
Hi again ermias

sorry, I just noticed the second part of your question, the interfacig is by opencockpits using the usb servo and master boards and programming in SIOC. Thats the plan anyway.


Re: Towerguys baron project part 17

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:27 am
by JBaymore
Looking great Towerguy.  I understand about the "slow" bit......... my work has been totally put on hold due to "life" at the moment.  Can't WAIT to get back to it.

