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Touch Display HELP!!!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:39 pm
by jaime
ok I have a similar set up but to add a bit more realism to my pit (still in the construction/limited build stage) I have a 15" touch screen (pulled from an out of service photo kiosk for the WIN) now heres my problem

I want to make it so i can continue to use my normal 22" screen for the main view, and put the instrament panel on the touch screen, well thats fine and dandy, however when I try to touch the controls on the over head panel the curser WILL NOT move to the touch display, it remains on my primary display which I do NOT want it to do, I want to use the main display only for forward view (VC) and the touch screen for panel, and when i touch a control on the panel (touch display) the mouse reacts accordingly...

I hope this makes sence and I posted this in this topic because I thought this would fit best in this topic honestly, If i should make my own I can/will if needed, but didn't feel like adding to the clutter....)

Re: Touch Display HELP!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:31 pm
by Romflyer
I think that 'touch buddy' is what you need to get things working the way you want..... Just google it, and it should get you on your way
Good luck

Re: Touch Display HELP!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:30 pm
by jaime
touch buddy is cool, but what im trying to do is get it so I keep my overhead panel on the touch display and use that to manupliate it but instead of that happening it tries to manupilate whats on the main 22" display instead, not whats on the touch screen...

Re: Touch Display HELP!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:21 pm
by JBaymore
Hum.... outside my knowledge base.... but someone here will eventually help you out.

It is likely a Windows setup issue.  What version of Windows are you running?  What kind of video card?  That info might help someone figure it out.



Re: Touch Display HELP!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:35 pm
by jaime
its windows 7 with ATI radeon 5770 (dual DVI and HDMI ports)

Re: Touch Display HELP!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:55 pm
by BuggsK100RS
Oh I know this one :)

The Touch input will work on your Primary Display by Default.  Yes even if you have it plugged in as your second monitor it will still only work things on Monitor number one (is seen in Display settings on your PS's operating system).

There should be some where within windows to set this up ie bind your touch monitor to the Secondary (number two ) view.

Unfortunately I carnt be of any further help as to where that setting might be.  Hope what little I know is helpfull.