A breach of the rules

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A breach of the rules

Postby turbodak » Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:06 am

I have to object to pilotwin7's renaming of Christian Drawz's Chriscraft Excelsior CCA260 Honyaku as "Joint Venture Earth" in his recent post "The world's fastest passenger jet in the world".

Painters on this site have to give credit to the developer who built the original model, but pilotwin7 does not mention the developer at all in his post. Just by putting a strange color scheme on an aircraft does not give him the right to rename it. This is a clear breach of the rules that apply to all painters on this site.

Can the moderators do something about this please, or is it a case of one rule for us and another for those that live in "La-La Land"?
Ground hog
Ground hog
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Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:32 pm

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