P3D V6 to be released in July

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P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby pete » Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:33 am

Quote from the P3D home page:

Prepar3D v6 is taking off in July

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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby Dave T » Sun Jun 25, 2023 4:00 am

Might be a good alternative to MSFS & the newer version which comes out in 2024. Held off updating to MSFS due to the constant updates and bugs.

Still a FS9/FSX holdout, might consider getting P3d instead.
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby cevans » Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:27 am

Will be getting it for sure.
If anyone hears anything about backward addon compatibility please let us know.

Would also be good to hear more about default scenery.
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby Daube » Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:10 am

Dave T wrote:Might be a good alternative to MSFS & the newer version which comes out in 2024. Held off updating to MSFS due to the constant updates and bugs.

Still a FS9/FSX holdout, might consider getting P3d instead.

An alternative, no, not really.
P3D is basically the same as FSX, with some improvements in the graphics engine and the overall stability (64 bits helps greatly) :)
Since you haven't made the jump to P3D yet, you have to keep in mind your FS9 addons (including FSX port-overs) won't work at all.
Many FSX addons won't work either, because of incompatible gauges (.gau for example) and incompatible textures sometimes.
But P3D makes it easier to use complex sceneries, thanks for the 64 bits platform, and that's really big improvement. The new lights and shadows system is a big step over FSX as well.
That being said, in my opinion, and given the kind of flights that you like to so, I hardly see P3D bringing anything new to your general experience...

MSFS has its troubles but constant updates (once every two months, that is...) are not one of them. It's also more stable than anything FSX or P3D could ever achieve on my side.
And when it comes to "enjoying a VFR/IFR/bush/military exploration flight anywhere in the world", which I think is what you really like to do, it's simply unbeatable.
The one main issue of MSFS is the requirement for a good and fast internet connection. That's the real limitation. In fact, I wouldn't advise anybody with a metered connection or anything lower than 10 Mb/sec speed, to switch to MSFS.
My brother has an unlimited (in terms of download volume per month) ADSL connection with a speed around 20 Mb/sec if I'm not mistaken. He can use MSFS without issues and he lets the downloads / updates run during the day while he is at work :)
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby Dave T » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:51 pm


Broadband speed is not an issue, I just hate constant updates that break things.

I have other games that constantly update for example ETS2 & ATS, every major update breaks the mods I have installed. I spend more time fixing problems than playing.

The solution is to have a stock game with no mods, no fun in that.

I see a lot of complaints about MSFS updates causing issues with the game and addons frequently, I don't need the hassle that is MSFS.
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby Mtnbiker29er » Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:40 am

Make sure you guys read the requirements for personal license. It requires CONSTANT internet connection. It's too bad they had to implement that because otherwise, the updates and the OPTION for multiplayer are what caught my attention.
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby Daube » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:17 am

Dave T wrote:Thanks.

Broadband speed is not an issue, I just hate constant updates that break things.

I have other games that constantly update for example ETS2 & ATS, every major update breaks the mods I have installed. I spend more time fixing problems than playing.

The solution is to have a stock game with no mods, no fun in that.

I see a lot of complaints about MSFS updates causing issues with the game and addons frequently, I don't need the hassle that is MSFS.

Well, I see what you mean, but the thing is, you don't really need to "fix" anything. That's the huge difference between MSFS and P3D.
In reality, whenever an update occurs, some of your addons (mods) *may* require an update, and it's usually just a matter of days before these updates are delivered by the addon makers.
Keep also in mind that it's mostly the "Sim Updates" (which are mostly updates to the core sim) that create incompatibilities with addons. The other kind of updates, like the "World Updates" (which are mostly updates to the scenery content) rarely break anything. Maybe some scenery addon here and there might require some update, but that's it pretty much...
This is true both for payware and freeware, by the way. So it's anything but a "hassle", despite the complaints you see on the forums.
Finally, staying away from the MS Store edition in favor of the Steam edition helps a lot avoiding the hassle ;)

Coming back to P3Dv6, it's nice that a "Personal" edition finally appeared. This will prevent all the doubts and cheating that occurred with the previous licences. The requirement for constant internal connection might be a problem for some people, but I can hardly see the problem. You'll have to connect to download and install the game anyways, so why not staying connected while you use it ? (as long as the download speeds and volumes are not getting problematic, of course...).
I'm however really disappointed to see that the weapon systems are still locked to the "Professional Plus" licence. I was really hoping they would modify that to allow P3D to finally become a serious opponent to DCS and Falcon4 :(
About the multiplayer feature, what is it about exactly? Did they FINALLY implement some serious multiplayer support ? Flying in multiplayer in the previous editions was really a nightmare :/
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby BlueSkies55 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:12 pm

I'm in the same camp as Dave regarding holding off switching to MS2020.
Don't get me wrong, I like many things about it, especially the scenery.
I've been using FSE- Steam Edition from day one and over the years I've added Accu Feel, Active Sky, Orbx Global, Rex Textures, UK2000 Airport sceneries (14) PMDG and Aerosoft aircraft, etc plus many other freeware items and utilities.
With so much time and money invested in the simulator I just couldn't give that up for MS2020 or MS2024 that's meant to be coming out next year, plus I don't like the many negative comments I keep seeing about it.
I have quite a few flight sim buddies that I've flown online with over the years who made the switch, regretted it and switched back again.
But, each to their own as the saying goes.
No offence meant whatsoever to anybody regarding my post.
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Re: P3D V6 to be released in July

Postby Daube » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:44 pm

I don't think anything you wrote has anything offending inside :)
People have to chose their sim based on their needs. That's also why many of us actually have several sim installed on the computer.
I believe the amount of money invested in a sim should not really be a huge argument to keep from jumping to another one. And "jumping" is exaggerated here, since nothing prevents from having several sims installed at the same time anyways ;)

Concerning P3Dv6, I'm a bit puzzled and I confess I'll wait for the reviews on forums and youtube before taking any decisions. I had P3Dv4 and I couldn't get any motivation to jump over to P3Dv5. The only advertised improvement was performance (which was always pretty bad in that sim) and 3D clouds, which still look terrible today in comparison to what MSFS and DCS are doing (and XP12 will do in the next update).
This V6, in the personal edition, doesn't seem to bring anything really attractive, as far as I've seen for now (I insist on these last two words).
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