Freeware LFBZ Biarritz Airport France !

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Freeware LFBZ Biarritz Airport France !

Postby Jetranger » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:27 pm

Ohhh - Ohhhh I find another good Quality Airport , my lucky week, like winnin the Jackpot !!


LFBZ Biarritz Bayonne Airport France

has custom buildings & terminals and great Runways and Terminal & runway Night Lighting , works in FSX

don't know about 2004 ???

Freeware Link :!home/mainPage

Ewww I'm hittin good this week Sim Pilots !! :P :dance:
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Re: Freeware LFBZ Biarritz Airport France !

Postby Jetranger » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:33 pm

Ewwww ,,, Ewwwww my Mistake

theres 3 FREEWARE Airports to be had on that web site,, take a looksy :P :P :P

Ohhh I feel like I won the Powerball Jackpot I tell Ya :P :P

I gots downloadin to do ~ !
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Re: Freeware LFBZ Biarritz Airport France !

Postby Anthindelahunt » Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:14 am

Thanks Jet.Do you have a crystal ball,that enables you to find
these jems?

Anthin. :o
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Re: Freeware LFBZ Biarritz Airport France !

Postby Jetranger » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:31 am

OK,,, heres the deal, what I'm trying to do is help all the Aircraft & scenery designers who spend hours upon hours making & developing this stuff for us Sim pilots to use in our sims.

I didn't realize until about 6 months ago, there are some really talented Scenery Designers out there from other countries outside the US

but they may not know or be that up on some of the Flight Sim web sites here in the US and the UK / Europe.

So when I spend gobs of time searching to see whats the latest out there or a developer / designer has his own web site but its not known to others like us, I try to pass the INFO along not only for us, but for the Developer / creator too, so he can get some feed back from us as to their scenery or Aircraft.

So they will keep on making more aircraft & scenery for us Sim Pilots, hopefully it'll encourage them !!!

So I thought posting the info here in 1 coordinated place will help everybody who wants GOOD well designed Quality Scenery .

Sometimes, I'll just go search an area thru Google and then hit the Photos section I've got more results on New Scenery that way than anything.

Once I get to 1 web site, it usually leads me to other flight sim web sites from that areas or his friends who also make scenery & aircraft and so the chase begins and the exploring !!

The other site I constantly monitor , like 2 to 3 times a day is - Sim Flight.Com where he'll post maybe 2 , 3 or even 4 times a day on any new developments from the Developers or creators who Write in to him about their latest greatest releases they are coming out with and are available.

So, then I go check the Web Site mentioned and follow up and chase that around a bit to see where else it takes me, which is usually somewhere

Nope, NO Crystal Ball ,,, just a lotta lotta Searching & chasing and Exploring many other sites these guys have out there.

They put a lotta effort time into this, so I'm just trying to help them and other Sim Pilots out so they don't have to do all the chasing & searching for good quality airport scenery & aircraft and other stuff.

Monitor this site a lot :

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