Incorrectly changed description by the site.

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Incorrectly changed description by the site.

Postby Scorch00 » Wed Jan 15, 2020 3:49 pm

Hello, I'm not 100% sure this is where I go to address a number of issues. I've uploaded several times to the site and not run into this issue before. I realize moderators do edit upload submission text and add file requirements. However, on my 2 most recent uploads for DC-6 and DC-7 airtanker packs, the descriptions I made were changed in error and parts omitted by a moderator. I realize mistakes can be made, but I just wanted to clear them up ASAP, as a number of our group members have mentioned to me that the information is incorrectly been added and or removed. I had specifically stated.

Issue 1: DC-6 Airtanker Pack. Simviation has changed/omitted my stating the aircraft is for FSX/P3D and also removed that it is compatible for P3Dv4+ as these are. Cal Classics released FSX/P3D native models late in 2019 and those are the bases these aircraft need to work properly. Which is why I stated it originally in the description to differentiate the two. NOT the FS2004/FSX version on Simviation. These models will NOT work with those earlier versions.

Issue 2: P3D compatibility removed from the aircraft category, leaving only FSX category. Again these are P3D v4+ compatible

Issue 3: Again as in the DC-6, the DC-7 Airtanker Pack description was also changed incorrectly. Compatibility is for FSX to P3D V4+. NOT FSX/P3D3 only as stated by the site revision. These too require Cal Classic's FSX/P3D base models or they will not work.

Issue 4: The link added by the site in the DC-7 Airtanker Pack as a file requirement is also incorrect. Again, as stated in the DC-6. The DC-7's also require Cal Classic's FSX/P3D native models on their website. NOT the FS2004/FSX version found on Simviation.

Issue 5: Again, like the DC-6, the DC-7 Airtanker Pack's P3D compatibility removed from the aircraft category, leaving only FSX category. These are P3D v4+ compatible models

As a solution I can provide direct links to the models needed. However, Simviation does not allow for 2 file requirement sections in the upload options as the DC-6 needs 2 different FSX/P3D models.
Simulated Air Tanker Operations
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Re: Incorrectly changed description by the site.

Postby Scorch00 » Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:04 pm

FSX/P3D Base Model 1 for DC-6 Airtanker Pack:

FSX/P3D Baes Model 2 for DC-6 Airtanker Pack:

FSX/P3D Base Model for DC-7 Airtanker Pack:
Simulated Air Tanker Operations
Aerial Firefighting Development & Simulation Group
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