OK lemmings, you know what to do based on the Rip It from a few days ago, so do it! It seems like we have been getting very descriptive answers lately, so keep it up.
Have fun!
By the way, you may notice this shot in the regular edited forum. I'm putting one of my own "not bad" ones (in my heavily biased opinion) into the mix here.
Do not let that stop you from absolutely tearing it to shreds. Trust me, it's fun to watch!
I want to see discussions, nitpicking, insults towards the image, helpful comments to newbies relating to this shot, everything!
I want you people to find things you dislike about this shot. Don't just say that there is nothing wrong with it. FIND something to criticize, no matter how minor it may be.
This will conclude my Rip It contributions for the remainder of the month (2 max per month for me), so make it count!
SeanTK...sticking the finger into the piranha tank....