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A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:09 pm
by Webb
Malcolm McDowell says 'A Clockwork Orange' is becoming reality, 44 years after its release

Everything’s going to the droogs.

The nationwide release of “A Clockwork Orange” was 44 years ago — on Feb. 2, 1972 — but today its star, Malcolm McDowell, says the movie was more prescient than it seemed at the time.

Based on a novel by Anthony Burgess, the Stanley Kubrick film shows “a world in which all older people stayed indoors with their televisions on,” McDowell told the News. “And that’s basically what happened.

“It’s just the young people out there doing drugs — and he foretold all this before the drug explosion.”

The film, like the book, depicts a dystopian future filled with “ultra-violence,” gangs of “droogs” and depravity at every turn. The four main characters — including McDowell’s lead character Alex — spend their free time in a bar where they drink drug-laced milk in preparation for an evening filled with violence, mayhem and even rape.

This is an incredibly disturbing movie. I recommend that you see it.


Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:22 pm
by Webb
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary (Henry Purcell, 1695, arr. W Carlos)


Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:35 am
by Fozzer
Three very violent films shown at the same time, which have been burnt onto my memory:

Clockwork orange...(The scene involving the device for holding McDowell's wide eyes open to watch a video, whilst drops are applied to his eyes).
Straw Dogs. (The rape of Susan George).
Soldier Blue. (The butchery of the Indian women).

I don't think that I would want to watch them again.

A very violent time in the late 1960's and early 1970's.


"Deliverance". (1972) Another scary film which I doubt that I would want to watch again!

Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:18 am
by Shadowcaster
The only one on them I've seen is Deliverance. The film that really scared me was The Killing Fields a very disturbing film, never want to see that again.


Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:31 am
by Fozzer
I must admit that I don't enjoy watching scary, or gratuitous violent films, eg; "Reservoir Dogs", etc!

For entertainment, to make me laugh uncontrollably, and remove the mucus from my lungs, I much prefer something like "Christmas Lampoon" (with Chevvy Chase), "The Burbs" (with Tom Hanks), "RV" (with Robin Williams), The Money Pit (with Tom Hanks), "Groundhog Day" (with Tom Hanks again!)....etc...etc...

..anything and everything to make me laugh...and remove mucus from my lungs... :D ....

...I love laughing!.... :dance: ...!

A laugh a day keeps the Doctor away...and mucus removal from the lungs is always a good me... ;) ...!

Paul.... :lol: ... :lol: ...!

Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:40 am
by Apex
Whoosh, flashback time. Hey, I remember that one, wow, a long time for that memory, stuffed somewhere in the windmills of my mind.

OK, here's one for ya. Scary movies? Check out 'Black Robe'. The scary part is that it has historical significance to it. I saw it on TV once, then they replayed it several weeks later, very late, so I only got to see it that one time. My take on it: I told a friend about it, and cautioned, "You might not want to watch this with your wife, I'd say she couldn't deal with it. Well, it even scared the stuff out of me, and nothing really fazes me.

Or try 'The Shining' if you want some home-based scary stuff that's also really quite well done. Saw it for the 1st time in the theater with a friend, then we went upstate to his Cousin's for a few days and found ourselves looking in back of us everywhere we went.

Oops, time to go to the food store. Now THAT's scary, the checking-out-paying-for-it-all part.

Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:11 am
by expat
Straw Dogs was remade in 2011. Not seen it, but I wonder what the Hollywood twist is to make it modern.


Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:29 am
by Hagar
Webb wrote:This is an incredibly disturbing movie. I recommend that you see it.

Not my idea of entertainment. I agree with Fozzer.

Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:50 pm
by Zaphod
I also agree with Hagar and Fozz. I watch tele and films to improve my mood, not give me nightmares!
I managed about 15mins of "Saving Private Ryan" and that was enough for me.
"Jeeves and Wooster". That's the stuff.

Zaphod. :character-jason:

Re: A Clockwork Orange

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:09 pm
by Webb
There's not much worth watching after the first 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.