The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

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The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:54 am

I thinks that things are simpler with hardware. You can actually see pictures of the hardware, and decide whether you like it or not. Good price? Bad price? Simply read all the reviews and make your choice.

But looking for the best software for you needs can be an almost impossible task. What one person likes, the other hates. What works for the newest/fastest game machine may drive another persons machine into the ground.

Doing a search for the "best" FSX something or the other isn't really going to be useful.

And spending my time and money on all the different flight sim software just isn't going to happen.

What I'm hoping for are comments from others on what worked for them and why. OR what didn't work for them and why.

Where I can, I'll throw my little bit of knowledge in and hope that it'll help someone else.

Some of the things that I've tried were truly horrible. But it's entirely possible the I simply didn't know what I was doing (there's no doubt about that :lol: ). But some things that I've tried were great.

So, off to the races.
Last edited by OldAirmail on Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:05 am

What to do with another FSX disk and license?

Long story short - I deleted FSX to get rid of some accumulated errors caused by free scenery installs. My FSX hanger was full of stuff that didn't work out too.

I bought FSX and downloaded it from Microsoft in 2011. I had saved the download and license on my hard drive just for this purpose.

But when I went to re-install FSX it wouldn't install from the saved files.

I contacted MS but they told me, in effect, to go the email that MS had sent me at the time, and re-download FSX Deluxe. But the email was over 2 years ago and had been deleted.

Given enough time I'm sure that I could have gotten the problem straightened out with MS. But by then I had decided that I wanted physical disks for the next time, and so ordered the FSX Gold with Acceleration from Amazon.

When I used the new DVD to re-install FSX it not only installed correctly, but it found MY old FSX license and accepted that without prompting me to enter it again.

What should I do with the UN-USED disk and license for FSX Deluxe?

I know that some run FSX tie-ins on a second, networked, computer for various reasons, mostly to free up resources on their main computer for FSX.

But my needs aren't all that complex, and my computer, so far, has handled every thing that I've thrown at it with no slow downs.

Here's more questions.

Do I really need another version of FSX? Perhaps I should sell it as the license was never used?

There is another disk with a license file for Acceleration. Aside from the extra missions and a few more planes, does it do anything worthwhile??? Install it or sell it too?
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:02 pm

OK. Not much of a response.

Lets try this. I have re-installed FSX. And these pictures represent things that irritate me. And hopefully others who have found a solution.

This is a "supposed" island in the Delaware River between Pennsylvania and New Jersey, just north of Philadelphia (It doesn't really exist).

This isn't just a Pennsylvania river problem. I seen this more than a few times. Houses, or even parts of a house, placed on islands and sandbars. Roads the run down into the water. Great. :roll:

Here's another island, with an office building on it.

I have no desire (and not enough money) to download "photo real" scenery for everywhere I fly. I'm even becoming convinced the I don't want "photo real" scenery. Up high it looks good. Down low, where I do most of my flying - not so good.

So the question is - what else would make this look better?
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:07 pm

Something else that I would like to see fixed is seen below. This is the Ben Franklin bridge in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The plane that I'm flying is 20 feet (a little over 6 meters) above the river.

In real life the bottom of the bridge is 140 feet above the river at high tide. The towers are 382 feet tall

This is the BASIC Ben Franklin bridge in FSX.

And this is the REAL bridge.

I know that "photo real" scenery can't fix this. Is there ANY software/textures/whatever that can make bridges look better in FSX?
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:35 pm

I have an answer of sorts - "There is another disk with a license file for Acceleration. Aside from the extra missions and a few more planes, does it do anything worthwhile??? Install it or sell it too?"

Here's what I found about the "Flight Simulator X: Acceleration Expansion Pack".

Multiplayer racing mode - I'm totally uninterested in it.
DirectX 10 - I think that I'll pass on that one too.
New missions - I tried one. Once. That's enough for me.
Connected world - I know, some people like to. But I'd be interrupted to much enjoy the time.
Games for Windows franchise. "This expansion pack will also ship as a Games for Windows title with easier installation, reliability standards and support for key features of Windows Vista, including the Games Explorer and Parental Controls." Darn! I'm just too excited.

I'm just going to skip the whole thing and install Service Pack 1 & 2 now.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:14 pm

Service Pack instilation

I installed Service Pack 1. No problem.

When I tried installing SP 2 I got this message -> "Microsoft Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2 requires the English version."

Ran it a time or two. Ran it as Administrator. No luck.

OK. Lets try the "Flight Simulator X: Acceleration Expansion Pack". No luck. "Microsoft Flight Simulator X Acceleration Expansion requires the English version."

Whenever I tried either instillation I got the same message. And then it stopped the instillation.

Net time. The only way that I found this was by searching Google's cached files. I'm sure that it's elsewhere but I'm not going to make anyone look for it.

At this point I guess that I should say that if you mess up YOUR COMPUTER MAY NEVER START AGAIN!

It's all up to you. The procedure is simple, but don't do it if you think that you may make a mistake.

So here's what you need to know if you run into this problem -> Go to this page;
FSX SP2 - Bogus Error Message on Setup


There are instructions for 32 bit systems and 64 bit systems. Everyone here is smart enough to know which one they have.

This is the 64 bit version.

Let me repeat: Do EXACTLY what it says. If you try thinking ahead it isn't going to look like it'll work.

I had to rename "Flight Simulator Demo" to "Flight Simulator". Then RIGHT click on that and choose NEW -> KEY. The new key will be named "New Key #1". While it's highlighted rename it "SetupPath".

At that point it says "Double-click SetupPath and in the Value data box, type the full directory path where you installed or copied Flight Simulator X. "

Unless you're a perfect typist try it my way. Search or fine the file language.dll that'll be in your "Microsoft Games" folder. RIGHT click on it, and chose PROPERTIES.

Start to highlight everything that is listed to the right of LOCATION. If it's too long, don't worry. Start at the drive letter and keep going to the end. Right click on the highlighted text and chose copy.

The whole thing shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

Mine looked like this;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Paste that into the place where they tell you to type it in. DO NOT USE QUOTATION MARKS!

The yellow marked area is what I created. The rest was created by the install.



BTW, I ended up installing the Acceleration Expansion Pack anyway. Who knows. Maybe it will have something useful in it.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:50 am


This is a simple AND easily VERIFIABLE tweak that lets you use more, or all of your cores while running FSX.

This comes from an excellent website FSXTimes.

fsx.CFG – AffinityMask

I have a 4 core i5 cpu. What I added to my fsx.cfg file, per Tom Tsui's article, is this;


I always have a Windows 7 gadget called "All CPU Meter" running on my desktop.

After making the changes above, and running FSX, I can easily see that it's now using all 4 cores.

The FPS change was only and extra 10-12 FPS for the short time that I checked. But the more FPS you have, the more you can bump up the other settings.

With FSX running on all 4 cores - CPU usage averages 90 to 99%.
With FSX running on all 4 cores, AND paused -CPU usage averages 80 to 86%.
With FSX running on all 4 cores, AND paused AND minimized -CPU usage averages low 50 to 56%
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:21 am

FScene4X TotalPack

I bought FScene4X hoping for a really big improvement.

It seemed to me that the ground/building textures might be better, but that you're still dealing with the FSX scenery over all.

In short, it does offer some improvements over standard FSX, but I'm not convinced the it is "the best".


I can't do all of the thinking here folks, or we'll be in deep doo doo.

Thoughts and knowledge gratefully accepted.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:44 pm


I'm beginning to see the light!

Or the airport, anyway.

Before I had the FSX re-install adventure, I'd bought and installed MegaSceneryEarth 2.0 - Pennsylvania. I didn't get to play with it all that much before I had the bright idea of re-installing FSX.

It seemed to be a mixed bag of good and bad. The higher you go the better it looks. But flying low it looks somewhere between bad and awful! What's worse is that it even messes up the FSX airport scenery.

That last part may just be my impression, because I can't really say why it (the airport buildings) looked worse.

Another complaint about the MSE - Pennsylvania scenery was that it looked like the colors were washed out. Think of a really hot and humid day where the green of the trees look a grayish green. But up high it is ok. I've also read that some states are better than others, for whatever that's worth.

All in all, it was acceptable from 2,000 - 3,000 plus feet. BUT takeoffs and landings looked ugly, no two ways about it.


And then KPHL from Sun:Sky:Jet changed my life and how I see the world.

No. I'm not kidding.

The "Sun:Sky:Jet" airport scenery overlaid the MegaSceneryEarth scenery, and looks beautiful.

More to the point - It covers a large area, so when you're taking off you see really great airport detail. And as you climb to your cruising altitude you don't see the transition from the bad low altitude MegaSceneryEarth scenery to the good high altitude MegaSceneryEarth scenery.

(If I could get the text to flash for more emphasis I would.)

I'm not sure yet if I'll buy more MegaSceneryEarth scenery. But if I can find more airport scenery like that produced by "Sun:Sky:Jet" then I might very well do so.

Just remember one thing - You want to install the airport scenery AFTER you install MegaSceneryEarth.

BTW - They have KPHL free for both FSX & FS9.



This is the REAL bridge going from Philadelphia to the airport, KPHL. It has 2 levels. The top level travels south, the lower level north.

This is what you get in FSX. It looks the same in FScene4X and MegaSceneryEarth, no improvements. :shock:

And THIS is what you get with the airport scenery from KPHL Sun:Sky:Jet. Not exact, but a whole lot better.

MORE Detail

The "KPHL Sun:Sky:Jet" airport with MegaSceneryEarth scenery in the background.

Another view - "KPHL Sun:Sky:Jet" airport with MegaSceneryEarth scenery in the background.

As I said, I'm not sure yet if I'll buy more MegaSceneryEarth scenery. But... it does have possibilities.


I forgot the P.S.ess.

PS - Even if I want to buy more MegaSceneryEarth scenery that could be a bit expensive. And any airports that I like, would have to have scenery close to "KPHL Sun:Sky:Jet".

PS #2 - There's no way that I could cover the whole world, so I'm still looking for something that'll give me a better experience than the stock FSX Terrain/water/sky-river/clouds etcetera. Yes. I do want it all. And don't forget that I'll need the old fart feller discount.

And the last PS - For those of you who count their FPS, my FPS actually went up. I suppose that may be because the computer doesn't have to "generate" a heck of a lot, it just as to show a background.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:10 pm

It occurred to me as I was driving today that what I REALLY want is a discussion about -


What I want to know is what programs, payware or freeware, will give a more realistic look at what I'm flying over.

Sure. Airport, and other, scenery can be great. But suppose you've just read of something happening in Shangri-La, or Erewhon, and you what to fly around in those places in a Fokker Universal.

OK, lets see - First search Google to see if there's any FSX scenery for Shangri-La. Great scenery in Shangri-La! Download it, and install it. OK.

Hay! What about the scenery for Erewhon!!!

I'm sorry to tell you that there is absolutely NO scenery available for Erewhon.

And THAT is why I want a good set of worldwide textures for FSX. For those places where scenery doesn't exist.

I want;
roads to look like roads
water to look like water
trees to look like trees
clouds to look like clouds
and most of all I'm tired of the sides of mountains looking like melted Crayons.

It doesn't have to be photo-real. It just has to be a little closer to believable than what we have now.

Sometimes the little things can make it so much more enjoyable.


Here's an example -

On my old FSX install I used to have a set of moon "textures" (how can you call a whole moon a "texture"? But what do I know).

So I did a searched for FSX moon to download it again. I found an update called fsx_hd_moon_texture_v3_0.

This is the link on Fly Away - FSX HD Moon Texture V3.0. This is a manual install, but it really is simple.

If you're not a member, then the download will give you a taste of what it was like downloading programs with a 300 baud modem.

I'm not sure, but I think that the one I had was the one on SimViation - HD Moon Textures.

Use the HD_1024 textures and you'll find yourself scheduling night flights for just when the moon rises.

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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:56 pm

I had one of those wonderful days where I did nothing.

Well, almost nothing. I spent most of the whole day sitting on my butt trying to decide what to do about the weather! The FSX weather, that is.

In the end I settled on "REX Essential Plus with Overdrive" from PC Aviator.

Not because PC Aviator had the best price or a sale of any kind. No one does at this moment. But I DO want to have FSX looking the way that I want it to, and Christmas is far, far away.

I hate having to do it this way. I had been hoping that someone would have jumped in and said "BUY THIS. IT'S GREAT!". But that didn't happen.

There are a limited number of "full" environment/weather/texture packages. And there are a large number of "free this" and "free that" downloads all over the internet.

When I first set up FSX I used a great many of the "free this's" and "free that's" over the past 2 years. Some were fairly bad to tell the truth. And a fair amount of them overlapped in areas.

One free-be that used to annoy me left a number of cars "painted" on the road surface, while other cars drove over the "painted" ones.

The main choices
REX Essential Plus with Overdrive
Active Sky 2012 (The link is to a review)

It looks like there is a consensus on OpusFSX having a better weather engine, and the least effect on FPS. BUT they all recommend using cloud textures from other sources such as REX or Active Sky 2012.
"We strongly recommend the use of 3rd party packages such as FEX for their sky and cloud textures, or HDEv2 (freeware) for clouds with the sky upgraded by Danny Glover. You will really see the benefit of using the OpusFSX Live Weather Engine with these textures loaded" (LINK)

At the end of the day, I settled on REX. I hope it was a good choice. I'll find out later.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:13 pm

Saturday I had a wonderful time with FTX Global. Flew all over the place.

It's like a new flight sim.

But today! REX Essential Plus Overdrive!!!! :evil:

Whereas I had "played" with it before, today I wanted to get serious.

I started reading the PDF manual. I read through it and closely followed their instructions and suggestions.

I checked for updates, and tried to download/install them. I tried again. And again.

Apparently the people at Real Environment Xtreme don't have AMD cards, or just don't like them. WITH A VINGENCE!

I had to manually closed down CCC.exe and MOM.exe.

No go. Their installer said that I was installing something else and they couldn't install .net framework 4.5.

Completely restart the computer again - Their installer said that I was installing something else and they couldn't install .net framework 4.5.

The update involved 4 parts .net framework 4.5, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB, and 2 other parts that I never did find out.

So I went to MS and installed both of their products. No problem. DO YOU HEAR THAT REX? NO Fn PROBLEM! :evil:

Now I'm finely at the point where I can install parts 3 and 4 . Their updates.

But their installer said that I was installing something else and they couldn't ....... Who knows, it crashed again.

With all of the install/uninstall/restart the computer/install/uninstall/restart the computer/install/uninstall/restart the computer/install/uninstall/restart the computer I didn't have a very good day.

To make things even more fun ( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: ) FSX is draggin it's butt. I'm now getting around 5 to 8 FPS.

To make things even more fun ( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: ) the button, switch, and key commands are screwed up in FSX. Some buttons are actually trying to execute 2 commands!

Don't tell me that REX shouldn't have anything to do with that stuff. I know it!

At one point when I opened up Google news to take a break I had to log in. Strange. :think:

Just a few minutes ago when I opened up SimViation it looked a bit different. Hummm??? :think: :think:

I had to log in to that also!

I don't have a clue what else may be wrong, but I'll do a system restore tomorrow and hope that makes things a bit better.

And if there's a REX representative here, would you mind standing in front of my car for just one moment? It won't take long. I promise. :evil:
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby Jetranger » Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:27 pm

Yip I learned a long time ago back when I had 2002 Pro edition of MS Flight sim , I thought I had to everything installed to improve the Sim, boy did I learn fast , that's a NOTTA !!!

I was under the Assumption - that all these after market programs would just magically somehow all work together and communicate with each other to work, after all its a Computer, and these are computer programs right !!

I used to have Mega Scenery Deluxe back when it covered the entire United States, before they decided to piece meal it out and sell it in chunks for different regions, after installing it, because of soooo many files it would take the FS 2002 forever to load, as much as 15 minutes or more.

The scenery for back then (2002), looked really good, till ya got within 500ft or closer to the ground, then I realized, i'm basically flying over nothing more than a Photo / photos / Pictures of the earth, its not going to have too many actual mountains and trees standing tall, and valleys rivers, Canyons that look to real up that close !

But back then NOT too many were as heavy into making designing realistic scenery, like they are now, ORBX etc.

I decided when I got back into Flight Simulator / Simulation, that I was going to keep things SIMPLE / KISS, and eliminate a lotta of the BS, I mainly want planes anyway, and some not a lot, just some nice Airports rather they be Payware or Freeware.

So that's what I've done, I basically have about 25 to 30 nice airports and that's it.

I don't use REX or REX Over drive or any of those other supposed programs that I read so much about in the HELP forums of all these Flight Simulator sites, that this doesn't work or my sim is causing me problems and they've got 5 other programs installed too on top of Rex, or whatever it might be, and their Simulator is all jacked up.

I wrote in the Forums a few months ago, about all these programs out there - Do they really All work well together and in conjunction with each other, do they really ???

Does Milk and Whiskey go good together in the mornings ????

Sometimes I think people are trying to gain way too much out of their sims by installing all these programs, because they Assume they'll all work together and quite well at that - Wrong !

The only things I have installed in my FSX Gold Sim are:
FS Scene
Some Freeware ORBX Sceneries
Few Tricks and tips or modifications, nothing drastic.
a lot of memory and not just for flight simulator but my photo and video software as well.
an Amped up Video graphics card and power supply
and a Quadcore processor

that's about it really - Simple very Simple and I have very few problems with my Sim.

I Prefer to Fly - NOT - constantly have to Tinker and FIX something that shouldn't need fixing or tinkering with in the 1st place !
I want to Fly Aircraft and relax, NOT be constantly Pissed off and agitated at some program .

So, that's what I do, FLY !

that and I use a Totally separate computer that's Set Up just for Flight Simulator and nothing else, and I think that helps a bunch , tho, I don't download anything with that particular computer , I use this computer that almost identical to the Flight Sim Computer sitting next to me, which are both Desk tops, I have 5 large Screens, 3 on my Flight Sim computer and 2 on my Everyday / everything computer that I use to download Aircraft and Scenery and other Stuff and do my EBay stuff on.

Keeping it simple I believe helped a lot ,that i'm NOT constantly fixing & tinkering with the sim, no need to.

But, I have had fun Injecting All those Aircraft I downloaded and put into my FSX Sim the last 2 years, to date over 5,000 Aircraft, BUT, I don't keep all of them in my Simulator, I have them sitting in another Hanger / File away from my Simulator, so it doesn't slow down the load process, ya know the beginning screen / Start Up.

I found out that many Aircraft in a Simulator takes a long time to load once past the Start Up Screen, as much as 15 minutes to 1/2 hour sitting and waiting at idle - Boring !!!

So, I created a Fantasy / Phony Fake Hanger to store a lot of my Aircraft in away from the actual Simulator and I took the time to create individual Hangers depending on the type of Aircraft, Props go in the Props Hanger in their own Sub Folders, and Jetliners go in their own Separate Hanger within their own Sub Folder according to the type they are.

When I want them out - I just Copy & Paste them out of their Fantasy Hanger and into the FSX Simulator, and when I'm done with them, back in the hanger they go till next time.

In essence, I don't find myself waiting for long load times at the start up screen anymore.

I keep ALL the Default Aircraft in my Sim, because some are Dependent on each other, effects, gauges, textures etc. so the Default Aircraft always remain in place.

But some of the Addon Aircraft can be parked elsewhere outside away from the simulator in another Folder Hanger.

I keep only about 35 to 40 planes in my Simulator at any 1 time, out of over 5,000 Aircraft, works out well for me anyway.

By the way it took me over 2 years to grab or STEAL that many Aircraft and also to Inject them PROPERLY into the Flight Sim, some I had to FIX so they'd work and edit CFG Files as well.

1 such Aircraft that comes to mind was that AC680 Turbo Commander, that took me 3 nights, at 12 hours each night to fix, just trying to figure it out was a real Muther F$#@*,,, finally I hit on the correct Fix so it'd work in FSX . that being the Overhead Switch panel in the Cockpit - .

that took me forever to FIX but I wanted that Aircraft badd and wanted it Fixed so it'd be somewhat right and enjoyable, and I thought maybe others would like to FIX there Commander too, I should offer them the Fix too, so I did.

Anyway, hope you have better luck with your Sim,, and hopefully others will heed the advice - keep your sims somewhat basic and as simple as possible, you'll enjoy it more !

Remember, Milk & Whisky don't really mix well together, Ya Know !!



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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby OldAirmail » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:21 pm

Thanks, Jetranger.

I like your idea of dropping some planes into FSX when you want to fly them, and THEN removing them.

My old FSX "hanger" was clogged with planes that I'd downloaded. Some didn't work/look very well.

Like a teenager looking at his first junk car I saw what I wanted to see and said "I can fix this up real good." But unlike you I never did try to fix whatever "it" was that needed fixing.

I guess that I like "flying", more than I like modifying the planes, airports, or scenery.

There are some things in FSX that I want to be better.

Orbx FTX Global is a real winner. That alone has improved my enjoyment of flying more than anything else.

I was hoping that REX would solve my cloud problem. On heavy overcast days I don't want to look up and see blue.

I'm sure that the last time we had a hurricane pass this way (East Coast), I wasn't the only one hopping in their favorite sim plane (several planes actually) with plans to fly into a hurricane! But no. Just heavy clouds with lots of blue patches.

But REX Essential Plus with Overdrive was as big a disappointment to me, as Orbx FTX Global was a tremendous improvement. For the short time that I used it, I couldn't get complete cloud cover. If I liked to tinker, it might have been ok.

On a side note, it was two .NET Framework 4.x files that appear to be used by a great many programs, that went bad. .NET Framework 4 couldn't be uninstalled with those 2 problem files.

After trying a number of solutions found on the internet, I decided to boot up in safe mode and try to delete them. That worked!!! At that point I could uninstall .NET Framework 4.x. With a lot of stuff no longer working, I then had to install a higher version of .NET Framework. The computer it's self, is back in order.

FSX is working much better, but not as well as it did before. As I never did get everything loaded back up in FSX, I'll try a number of things that you (Jetranger) have said in this, and other posts.

The next thing that bothers me is having sandbar-islets with roads out of, and into, the water. And then they put an office building next to a house for good luck. :x

I've read an explanation of why MS did it, and it does make sense in a way (for the time that FSX was developed). I just don't want to see it in my rivers.
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Re: The poor mans sim pit - SOFTWARE

Postby Jetranger » Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:46 pm

Back in 2006/2007 when FSX 1st hit the Markets after a slight Delay, I remember on some Flight Sim forum, several discussions about the Object placements within FSX at that time.

lotta disappointed simmers and complaints as I recall and even in some reviews of FSX.

Hangers facing the wrong way at the airports, or Hangers sitting in the middle of the runway, Control towers just about anywhere, office buildings right smack dab in the middle of a Tarmac, buildings turned every which way, but the way they should be facing, lack of Heli' pads on top of buildings in the bigger cities and Heli' pads you'd actually drop thru all the way to the bottom.

Ocean & lake shore lines coming into the towns and cities.

house floating in the air at 2000 feet or higher.

All kinds of weird things.

which is why I held off for quite a few years to get back into simming, I started flight simming back in 2002.

I got back into it again in 2009, but only for grins and I wasn't going to do much withit actually, just once in a while, well that lasted for 2 months, and I DIVED back into it too deep again I'd say,,, even went and got me a Separate computer just for flight simming and nothing else,,,

Well I'm in Deep with it yet again,,,, but I'm about to slow way down on any more add on's except for a few freeware I might come across, as of right now I've got quite a few good quality airports and a warehouse full of aircraft, over 5,000 I think I've got enough to keep me busy for a while now.

I think its time to Fly now finally !!

the World is ready for me, I think ????

Here I come,,, now how do I land this thing ???

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